Detailed description
Ballistic Ejection seat propelled by cartridges fitted in Mirage –Alpha Jet-Jaguar
This seat is equipped with two firing handles,
- The upper one includes a face screen to protect the pilot;
- The second one located between the legs; called auxiliary firing handle is used when the acceleration is too high.
The seat is equipped:
- Drogue parachutes ‘duplex’ packed in a container
- Main parachute packed in a horse shoe shaped container
- A Harness tension regulator.
- A leg restraining system
Technical data sheet
Ejection range up to 600 Kts
Ejection speed at ground level (horizontal flight)
Mini = 90 kts
Maxi = 300 kts
Acceleration of a fully equipped pilot (85kg) < 23g
Ejection delay through the canopy:
- Canopy release => delay 1 s (Mirage 3, 5)
- Seat Ejection => delay 0,3 s (Jaguar)
- Canopy weakening => no delay (Alpha Jet)
Ejection gun with three telescopic tubes
Adjustment of the seat pan with or without an actuator
Harness tension regulator
Automatic seat/man separation (redundancy with or without snubber system)
Pilot parachute: Irvin, Diameter 7.3 m
Drogue gun: 1 sec.
Barostatic time release unit: 1.75 sec.
Altitude setting 12000 /14000 ft
Acceleration controller between 3 and 4,5 g
Weight of the armed seat + personal survival pack: 74 Kg
Scheduled maintenance:
- Yearly visit
- General mechanism servicing every 5 years
- General seat servicing every 12 years