Detailed description
Seat with a rocket motor giving a zero/zero ejection capability with no conditions of speed and altitude fitted in Mirage F1, Mirage 2000 and Alpha Jet.
The ejection is triggered by pulling the firing ejection handle located between the legs. All the functions are redundant.
The Mk10 is a modular ejection seat:
- Ejection gun module
- Headbox module which contains the main and the stabilisation parachutes fixed to the harness. All this module a is packed in a headbox container
- Seat pan module:
- The firing handle
- The leg restraining system
- The manual override system
- Main beam module
- Harness power retraction unit
- Drogue gun
- Barostatic time release unit
- Remote rocket initiator
- Personal Survival Pack with an Automatic Deployment Unit (ADU).
The installation and the maintenance of the ejection seat are made easier with the possibility of changing components on aircraft.
Technical data sheet
Ejection range up to 620 Kts
Acceleration of a fully equipped pilot (85kg) < 16g
Ejection through the weakened canopy or not
One rocket motor
Harness power retraction unit
Ejection gun with three telescopic tubes
Adjustment of the seat pan with an actuator
Pilot parachute GQ1000 , Diameter 5.2 m
Parachutes packed in the headbox container
The twin seater aircraft is equipped with a seat sequencer
Weight of the armed seat + personal survival pack: 89 Kg
Drogue gun: 0.45 sec.
Barosctatic time release unit: 1.5 sec.
Altitude setting 16400 /19400 ft
G controller restriction: 2.5G
Scheduled maintenance:
- 2 yearly servicing
- 6 yearly servicing